Some ask themselves; Can God ever use someone like me? What do I have to offer to the world? These are some of the thoughts that plague many minds. Needless to say, I believe we all have had similar thoughts run threw our minds at one time or another, but the idea is to not let that thought play on auto replay. Life has a way of throwing many things at us, sometimes all at the same time. We may find ourselves ducking, bobbing and weaving, but at the end of it all we are somehow still standing. Better for it, wiser because of it, and stronger after all is said and done. Although, we may feel tempted to pat ourselves on the back, you and I both know it was not us at all. Thank God for supplying us with supernatural strength because if we can be honest, we would have folded under the pressure at the very beginning or shortly thereafter.
In 1 Corinthians 1:27-28, the Bible says, God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things – and the things that are not – to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before Him. In other words, God many times uses the person who was voted least likely to succeed to exceed unimaginable heights or a person who has been struggling all their lives to come from behind and excel pass the one who is the frontrunner. We have seen this occur so many times in history.
Moses was an unusual suspect. He was adopted into Pharaoh’s family and fell from grace when he murdered an Egyptian. He ran into the wilderness and hid in fear for his life. He had what some would consider a speech impediment because he stuttered, however he ended up becoming God’s chosen leader to help deliver the Israelites from Egyptian slavery.
I want to encourage those of you who may feel like giving up or that it is too late. If you still are breathing, then it is not too late. Especially when God is in your plans. Proverbs 16:3 states, “Commit your actions to the Lord and your plans will succeed.” I always loved writing and knew deep inside there was something I would write someday, but writing a book took much discipline and sacrifice and this process has exceeded all my expectations. The Hidden Treasure I believe will help you to uncover and discover the hidden treasures that may be lying dormant inside of you.
The Best Is Yet to Come!
Abundant blessings!